



The Importance of Beards in Men's Lives


Beards have long been significant to men. Although there was a time when being clean-shaven was seen as a mark of civilization, the popularity of bearded figures like Abraham Lincoln brought beards back into fashion. Since then, beards have maintained their place in men's grooming trends.

In the past decade, the influence of social media has popularized the image of men with full, bushy beards as symbols of masculinity and attractiveness. For some men, having a sparse beard can cause insecurity. The trend has been further propelled by Hollywood actors such as Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Ben Affleck, and Colin Farrell, who have not only embraced beards but have also undergone beard transplantation.


What is Beard Transplantation?


Procedure and Method

Beard transplantation involves transplanting grafts from a donor area (usually the back of the head or the denser parts of the beard) to areas where beard loss has occurred due to trauma or other reasons. This is done using the micro FUE method. The procedure, performed under local anesthesia, typically lasts about 8 hours.

A single application usually yields high success rates, though some individuals may require a second session. While barbers can style existing beards in various ways, beard transplantation offers a permanent solution for sparse beards.

Planning and Shaping

One of the key advantages of beard transplantation is that the desired beard shape is planned before the procedure. A suitable beard style is selected in consultation with the patient, ensuring the beard complements their facial features and lasts a lifetime.


Advantages of Beard Transplantation


  • Achieve a thick, natural-looking beard.
  • Post-operation, the beard can be shaved and styled.
  • The transplantation is planned according to the person's facial type for an aesthetic look.
  • Freedom to choose the preferred beard style.
  • Sideburns can also be shaped through transplantation.


Eligibility for Beard Transplantation


Beard transplantation is suitable for men who:

  • Have never had a beard.
  • Suffer from a thin beard.
  • Have lost their beard due to injury.

It can also cover scars and burns. It’s recommended to wait until at least age 22. For those with hormonal disorders, heart diseases, or diabetes, a doctor’s examination will determine eligibility.


Beard Transplantation Methods


The hair removal process uses the micro FUE method. Sapphire FUE beard transplantation, which uses sapphire blades to open the canals, is commonly employed.


Hair Removal Sites for Beard Transplantation


Hair for the transplant is taken from the back of the head, neck, or jawline, depending on the patient’s condition.


Beard Transplantation at Este Istanbul Hair


Este Istanbul Hair aims realistic results. Patients are well-informed about the number of grafts and expected outcomes. The procedure planning considers the neck, head, face, and hair follicles to ensure realistic expectations. This avoids feelings of deception and disappointment.

At Este Istanbul Hair, beard transplants using the sapphire FUE method have shown success in patients from various countries. The procedures are carried out by experienced physicians using the latest technology. Patients are thoroughly informed about the entire process.


Process and Healing After Beard Transplantation


Post-transplant, there are no significant visible scars, and the healing process is swift. Temporary symptoms like redness, swelling, and dryness typically disappear within a few days. Swelling may occur in the first 2-3 days, but this is minimized by following post-operative recommendations, medication, and ice applications.

Post-operative pain is rare, but sleeping in a proper position to avoid damaging the grafts is crucial. Este Istanbul Hair provides detailed post-operative care instructions.

Returning to work is generally possible after 2-3 days, though a week of rest is recommended to avoid unnecessary attention and questions about appearance. During this period, swelling and redness will subside, and new beard growth will become noticeable.


Shedding of Transplanted Beard


Temporary shedding of transplanted hair follicles can occur, but new growth typically begins by the 3rd or 4th month. Properly performed beard transplants should not result in long-term hair loss.


Graft Requirements for Beard Transplantation


The number of grafts needed varies per patient, depending on face type, current beard condition, and desired style. The required density is calculated based on the thickness of the donor hair. Accurate measurements ensure high-quality transplantation results.




Beard transplantation offers a reliable solution for men seeking fuller beards. With proper planning, realistic expectations, and professional execution, the procedure can significantly enhance one's appearance and confidence.